Garden Party Florist, 520 W 6th Street, Stillwater, OK 74074 405-372-2772 |
Same Day Flower Delivery - Celebrate Together No Matter the Distance.
Sep 28 2021 2:01AM | Flower Arrangements

Send flowers today for any occasion. With flowers delivered today you can celebrate together no matter the distance. Same day flowers come hand-delivered by our caring team - pick your favorite bouquet and send flowers same day to treat a friend or loved one.

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Looking forward to 2022 Wedding Season!
Sep 17 2021 4:21AM | Flower Arrangements

Due to many factors, there will be an estimated 2.5 million weddings in 2022, which is the most the U.S. has seen since 1984, according to The Wedding Report, a market research firm. Planning on your wedding? We are here to help to make you special day exactly as you dream it! Give us a call or email and to set up a time to chat about florals from Garden Party.

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