Garden Party Florist, 520 W 6th Street, Stillwater, OK 74074 405-372-2772 |
Mother's Day is Almost Here!
Apr 26 2021 4:05AM | Flower Arrangements

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching - this Sunday evening I’m reflecting and thinking of all those who can’t be with their moms due to the crazy times we are living through or because their moms are up in heaven, those desperately wanting to be a mom, those who are counting their blessings that they are a mom and are holding their babies close, and those who don’t have a mom - Mother’s Day can bring up so many different emotions - reach out to family and friends to talk if you need to. Virtual hands on your back, friends. We are here to send flower-love, give us a call and we can help you select the perfect arrangement for your loved one. ??????????

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