Garden Party Florist, 520 W 6th Street, Stillwater, OK 74074 405-372-2772 |
We've Moved!

We've moved! We needed more room to flower and bloom - so we've moved to the corner of Knoblock and 6th Street! 520 W 6th. Same beautiful blooms, Same smiling faces, Same great customer service. Come visit and see our new spot!!

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Extended Hours for You!

We have expanded phone-only hours an hour before the shop opens and an hour after the shop closes to better serve you! And of course we are always available for online ordering. Phone Only 8am - 9am Shop Open 9am - 5pm Phone Only 5pm - 6pm Online 24/7

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Summer Hours

This summer we'll have adjusted hours: Monday - Friday 9-4 Saturday 10-2 Some weekends we'll be closed completely due to large weddings.

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New 50% OFF Sale Table!

Come check out our new 50% OFF Sale table - we gotta make some room for new inventory! Come in to shop the sale and get some great items and even better prices!

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